

Vasudev Drug Intermediates

Vasudev Drug Intermediate is committed to the safety and protection of its members and the environment. To this end all the raw materials are carefully screened to avoid potential hazards. Our members are trained from time to time in various aspects such as material handling, waste management, minimizing pollution and protecting the environment. Proper measures are in place to avoid accidents and safe handling of various p rocesses. Our personnel are provided with safety gear to prevent and protect them from occupational hazards. All locations are subjected to safety audits and risk assessments. We are equipped with a primary treatment centre for the effluents generated and also have an agreement with the local effluent treatment centres for further waste management.

Quality Policy

  • Achieve customer satisfaction by timely delivery of quality, cost-effective products and technical support, meeting regulatory and customer requirements.
  • Achieve customer satisfaction by timely delivery of quality, cost-effective products and technical support, meeting regulatory and customer requirements.
  • Develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and customers.
  • Ensure optimal training to all personnel and provide a conducive work environment for mutual growth.

Environment and Safety Policy

  • We are committed to the cause of health, safety and protecting our environment, and shall comply with all statutory norms.
  • Safety, health and environment are the direct responsibility of the management and are an important measure of managerial performance. It shall be ensured that all safety, health and environment measures are included in all the procedures starting from the design and whenever changes are effected.
  • Attitude and actions on matters concerning safety, hygiene and environment shall be important job performance criteria.
  • Safety shall be treated at par other business objectives.
  • All injuries and damages are preventable and all possible efforts shall be ensured.
  • Everyone shall strive to maintain a clean environment.
  • Necessary conformation regarding environment, health and safety shall be shared with all people concerned and required skills shall be imparted through training.
  • All resources shall be provided to maintain an effective safety, health and environment program.
  • Contractors, transporters and all others shall comply with all the rules and regulations of the company and lapses shall be dealt with suitably.